Angela Truby

When I first performed with the Christmas Revels in 2008 it was one of those magical, larger-than-life experiences that would forever change me as a singer and musician. The Revels became central feature in our family’s annual preparation for and celebration of the Christmas season, my daughters’ growing up embraced within a warm, creative and very uniquely intergenerational community of talented, devoted and quirky people! Music was always at the heart of this wonderful Revels magic for me ~ through music I tapped into the transcendent mystery of something ancient and sacred.

Robert’s passionate and skilled direction, his spirit of positivity and giant heart, and his geeky love for Renaissance and Early Music has defined the Revels experience for me year after year, and what kept me coming back to the Revels fold. He believed in his singers ~ he believed in me ~ and helped each of us to grow and shine our light with courage and joy. 

Betsy brought this same wonderful spirit, along with her fierce fiddling skills, arranging genius and ever-present smile. The collaboration between these two has been inspirational, and saying goodbye to Robert and Betsy has been a bittersweet journey through treasured memories.

Thank you, Robert and Betsy, for how you have enriched and deepened my life as a singer and musician, and for your friendship and love. Thank you for the countless ways you have given of yourselves beyond what was asked of you, simply because you love music, the Revels’ vision, and our community. Thank you for ever seeking to strike the perfect balance between inspiring us to reach higher in our musicianship and finding joy in the imperfect process of learning and making music together. Thank you for bringing into our lives the gorgeous music of so many cultures from around the world. I have complete faith that the Revels chorus will evolve and blossom in new ways in the talented hands of our new musical leadership, but your legacy will be forever intertwined with the story, magic and soul of the Portland Revels.