Antiracist Statement

Portland Revels celebrates our human connectedness at the darkest time of year, and aims to honor a multitude of cultures and backgrounds. We commit to being allies to all people. We embrace the work we must do to recognize our own implicit biases and cultural blind spots, and to dismantle structural barriers within our organization. We strive to educate ourselves and to engage in authentic exchanges of ideas and worldviews. We believe that nurturing a safe space is not enough, but that we need to further our commitment by fostering brave spaces where individuals can authentically and respectfully challenge one another, generating conversation and further education.

We commit to being people who promote active anti-racist measures on interpersonal, societal, and institutional levels, within our organization and elsewhere. As with the cyclical pattern of the seasons, we recognize the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of this work, and enthusiastically commit to it.

How We Are Fulfilling Our Commitment*

  • Actively solicit feedback from individuals who work with us (artists, contractors, community partners, staff, etc.).
  • Invest in education and resources for internal stakeholders to broaden knowledge and understanding of active anti-racist and IDEA practices.
  • Individually cultivate the ability to examine, reflect, and take responsibility for our own personal journeys.
  • Seek out, engage, and uplift BIPOC voices and those of other marginalized communities.

* With license to grow and evolve!