Daniel Buchanan

Daniel Buchanan is music director, singer, pianist, choral conductor, music teacher, actor, composer, and arranger with over 25 years of experience working in music and theater.

After receiving degrees in music and opera in 2004, he began his career as a professional singer.  His performances have taken him to the Houston Grand Opera, Oregon Bach Festival, the Grammy-winning vocal ensemble Conspirare, Cappella Romana, Walla Walla Symphony, Newport Symphony, and many others.  Daniel has performed in such varied venues as the New Orleans French Quarter Music Festival, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., and the Utrecht Early Music Festival.  In recent years, he appeared on stages in Zimbabwe, Finland, Greece, Denmark, England, and South Africa.

In 2010, he moved to Portland, Oregon to work with the Portland Opera. At the same time, he founded Resound NW, a musical community centered around singing lessons and classes. Resound NW has grown into a vibrant community that teaches hundreds of singers, employs a staff of talented instructors, and produces dozens of classes, events, and concerts each year. 

Daniel lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife and 2 children. Check out his website for recordings, upcoming performances, and more: www.DanielBuchanan.net