Interview with Lo Steele

Why should people come see At the Root?
My relationship to music is a unique one, it isn’t traditional or formal. I’m often making up chords I’m unable to transcribe, but I know how to feel- a that’s my super power, and I think that shines through in the piece. I am so grateful to have an incredible cast and chorus who are expert-feelers too, who embody the script and music with such honestly and joy and vulnerability.  Come see and come feel! 
What made you want to participate in this project and create this piece? 
I majored in playwriting in college, but haven’t done much long-form writing since then. I was so grateful to be asked to write a piece for Revels. It felt like a timely challenge and an opportunity to rediscover my voice as a playwright. 

What about the Portland Revels made it seem like a good fit for you and your work?
I believe both theatre watching and theatre making should be accessible to all. This is a healing art and shouldn’t be exclusive to only the privileged. Revels prioritizes theatre making as a tool toward community building and celebration, which I would like to make my priority too!