Kate Schuyler

Kate Schuyler Revels came into my life at an important transition time – the camaraderie and support were invaluable in helping me step into a new way of being in the world. I am forever grateful for the experience of being part of a very fun group of fellow...

Robert Reed

Robert Reed After performing in five Revels shows over six years, I took a break, but in 2016 I auditioned again and was invited to join the chorus. Shortly after that, however, I was diagnosed with head and neck cancer, so I declined my role in the show. I was in the...

Charley Rowley

Charley Rowley A favorite memory is the Scottish Rite in all its glory: The drops, the balcony (where Michael the clown danced on the rail), the stage thrust into the audience, and the preview shows with so much community enthusiasm! I think the Abbey has the essence...

Burl Ross

Burl Ross I will never forget the moment early in our Revels working relationship that Betsy and I bonded. It was in a moment of creative wrangling as we were working out a “pre-show” musical/comedy bit that she abruptly turned to me and spat, “I just HATE...

Dick and Patty Reed

Dick and Patty Reed We have had the pleasure of attending the Revels to see our daughter and son-in-law, Eden and Perry Francis, perform in the chorus for many years. As true Revelers who meet challenge with creativity, an online version of the show in 2020 allowed us...