Topsy-Turvy 30

Topsy Turvy 30 Birthday Party Benefit

April 12th, 2025
The Kennedy School Gymnasium
5736 NE 33rd Ave, Portland, OR 97211
Children in Revels Production
Children in Revels Production
Children in Revels Production

Doors Open at 5:00pm

Event ends at 7:30pm

Jump in for a topsy-Turvy evening to celebrate 30 years of Portland Revels!

Live music! Singing and dancing! A Mummers-off! Pin the tail on the dragon! And much much more….

Come be a part of launching us into our next decade!

All proceeds will go to support our programs.

Tickets $65
Admission includes light refreshments and a drink ticket for beer or wine
Cash and Credit bar
***We encourage attendees to wear their finest, fancy attire to the event!****

Three Decades of Bringing Back the Light

Children in Revels Production
Children in Revels Production
Children in Revels Production

The Portland Revels has honored the dependable cycle of the seasons for 3 decades, celebrating with this wonderfully unique, engaged community. We are honored to have you with us this year, and every year.  If you are not able to join us for the Birthday Party Benefit, but still wish to support us as we launch into our fourth decade, we hope you will consider making a contribution!  All gifts given in honor of our 30th birthday will go directly to our programs and to serving you, our community.

Children in Revels Production
Children in Revels Production
Children in Revels Production