Cat Galimidi

There’s a particular moment I look forward to in the development of every choir. After practice knocks out the wrong notes and missed entrances. On stage, singing to the empty auditorium, our voices begin to tune to each other. The harmonies & dissonance start to resonate in the room, in the back of my throat, and in my chest. Sometimes I even lose track of where my voice ends and someone else’s begins. And I cry from joy – every time. 

During this final season, there were so many times where I could see the music resonate in Robert. His love of choral music was evident in the smile on his face, the tears in his eyes, and the number of times he’d push us to repeat a section until we got it right. I deeply appreciate Robert’s perfectionism, love of that moment, and willingness to work with me (ad nauseum) on my entrance to We Toast the Days.

As we stand on the edge of another bright new year, with old friends and new…