2024 Midwinter Revels:

Norse Fire

Program Information

When Astrid discovers her Grandfather is close to death, she and the Norse God Jólnir set off on a journey through time and space to save him. But perhaps it isn’t Grandfather she needs to save.

A tale told with the music, story, and dance of Northern Europe.

Artistic Team

Artistic / Stage Director: Bruce Akpan Hostetler
Music Director: Daniel Buchanan
Children’s Director: Lynn Mendoza-Khan

Costume Design: Janelle Sutton
Lighting Design: Carl Faber
Scenic Design: Larry Larsen
Sound Design & Engineering: Daniel Congdon / Focal Audio

Friday, December 13: 7:30pm
Saturday, December 14: 1:00pm & 7:30pm
                     (ASL interpreted performances)
Sunday, December 15: 1:00pm & 6:30pm
                     (Audio described performances)
Wednesday, December 18: 7:30pm
Thursday, December 19: 7:30
Friday, December 20: 1:00pm & 7:30pm
Saturday, December 21: 1:00pm & 7:30pm
Sunday, December 22: 1:00pm


Alberta Abbey
126 NE Alberta, Portland Oregon

Artistic Leadership

Daniel Buchanan

Music Director

Artist Bio

Bruce Akpan Hostetler

Artistic / Stage Director

Lynn Mendoza-Khan

Children’s Director

Artist Bio


Portland Revels Logo

Abby Adam Ross

Grandfather / Jólnir

Mila Kashiwabara


Artist Bio

Ever Thorsell


Artist Bio

Stage Management and Designers

Erin MacGillivray

Production Stage Manager

Daniel Congdon

/ Focal Audio

Sound Engineer / Designer

Carl Faber

Lighting Designer

Larry Larsen

Scenic Designer

Artist Bio

Janelle Sutton

Costume Designer

JR Valentine

Chorus Stage Manager / ASM

Jenn Lindell-Evans

Children’s Stage Manager

Artist Bio

Ebie Katzenmeyer

Asst. Children’s Stage Manager