Linda Golaszewski

My life with Robert began at his beginning with Revels in 1998 when he joined for the pan-Celtic Revels. So besides Robert Reed, Hal Day and David Summers, I may have some of the longest term memories of Robert. Which means I have a lot of them so I’ll  try to curate.

Early on, our music director (1999 maybe) bagged out on us.  I’m not sure how it came about exactly but Robert was willing and able to step in, had the requisite musical background and knew something about the Revels. As music director, Robert has channeled many a different character to amuse and motivate us.  Details will have to remain hidden I’m afraid.

In the Victorian show, our stage director let us pick our stage spouses (imagine!) and I made a beeline to Robert (I could have picked my own husband but needed a change).  He was great, juggling both being our music director and onstage for that, with the demands of being a stage spouse. As there was dancing in the show, and I wanted to dance, I convinced Robert that he had to dance with me. I was brooking no disagreement on that. I believe we danced a polka. It nearly did him in and I’ve been told, was an impetus to ‘get back in shape.’ So I think we can credit Robert’s longevity to Janet and me.

Rehearsals in the early days at the Scottish Rite during tech week lasted very late. Sometimes very, very late and since we were younger, there may have been drinks after (at the Driftwood room).  I’m hoping to dig up a photo of Robert, asleep in the audience while waiting for something to happen during a tech rehearsal.

We could be a challenging group, yet Robert could cajole the best out of us.  Musical memories abound but if I had to pick it might be a toss-up between Yalibrui from the second Northlands or Bogoroditse (Rachmaninov) probably because Robert got us to have an incredible, indelible  sleeve of sound… you could not pick out one singer’s voice amongst the rest as we mind-melded the music.  I really think this, rather than the interspersing of small ensembles or other fancy things, shows his skill and delight in music making. And his ability to get us to sing as one.

Two sobering memories that revolve around sorrow. Robert’s heartfelt Revels moment after his mom passed away. And of course leading us as we stood in the audience to sing ‘There are Angels Hovering Round” after Sandy Hook.  I tear up even thinking about that.

Robert’s drink concoctions are legendary of course: the afterparty Spanish Coffees (which engendered one-upmanship with an unnamed young’un); and the pandemic posts of all manner of food and drink.  I credit Robert’s spurring of a friendly competition around this (even if he doesn’t know it) for the wildly successful Cocktail/Mocktail Challenge held as the lead up to our Flourish fundraiser over Zoom during the pandemic.

What I’ll miss….. watching Robert in the wings, for the last curtain call. And our hug… stage right. So many tears, of  joy, of bittersweetness of life. Of Revels done well.